Saturday, April 24, 2021

Sasha and Ariel Experience ... All the Marvels!

Ariel: I. Am. So. Exhausted.
Sasha: That was an awful lot of movies and shows.
Ariel: What were we thinking?
Sasha: Well, it didn't sound like so much when we compared it to watching all the Star Warses. Those were like, 11 movies and a hundredish half-hour shows that we went through, so ... 70 or 80 plus hours? This was only 20 something movies and 16 shows that were half an hour to an hour each.
Ariel: Why would you add all that up?!? Together that's got to be a thousand hours of shows and movies! Now I'm even more tired!
Sasha: Pretty sure 70 or 80 plus another 50 or 60 doesn't equal a thousand, Aers.
Ariel: You expect me to do math when I'm this tired?
Sasha: I like how you put "when I'm this tired" on the end of that sentence.
Ariel: Hey!
Sasha: I'm kidding, I'm kidding! Math isn't my thing either. So ... the question is ...
Ariel: Go on, I'm waiting.
Sasha: No, I was leaving it open for you to finish the question.
Ariel: Oh.
Sasha: So ... the question is ...
Ariel:  ... do we need to tell people to put on their spoiler blankets?
Sasha: What? No, that's not the question, of course they need to put on their spoiler blankets if we're going to be able to talk about all these movies and shows!
Ariel: Um, that's the answer, but we still always ask the question, don't we?
Sasha: Okay, yes, fine. That was a question. But it wasn't the question. The question is ...
Ariel: How many times are you going to make me say I'm tired? I can't read your mind when I'm this tired! I mean, I can't ever read people's minds -- I don't want our readers to think I'm saying I can do that when I'm not tired. But I especially can't do it when I'm tired! I'm not even very good at guessing when I'm tired!
Sasha: Uh-huh. How is it you're always able to put so much work into telling me how tired you are?
Ariel: Is that "the" question? Because I'm feeling like you're just trying to dodge out of saying what "the" question is. You're not trying to trick me into doing all the work because you don't really have a "the" question, are you?
Sasha: Argh! The question is, "Was it worth it to spend all that time watching the Marvels?"
Ariel: That's "the" question?
Sasha: Of course it is!
Ariel: I mean, that's a pretty dumb question, Sash. If it wasn't worth it, why would we have kept it up through all those thousands of hours of shows and movies?
Sasha: ...
Ariel: What?
Sasha: I was about to get mad at you for saying my question was dumb, but I guess that's a pretty good point. We did give up on Space: 1999 after like, 4 or 5 hours.
Ariel: Exactly. Which wasn't remotely as much time as we spent watching the Marvels.
Sasha: Right, so clearly the Marvels were better than --
Ariel: Wait, did you notice my joke? I said it wasn't "remotely" as much time. Because we made so much fun of Space:1999 for having those remote-controlled doors.
Sasha: Are we going to talk about watching all the Marvels, or not?
Ariel: I dunno ... did you come up with a better "the" question yet? Here, I'll set you up. The question is ...
Sasha: ... So what did we think of the MCU?
Ariel: Wait, what? I thought we were talking about Marvels. What's this em-see-you thing?
Sasha: It's the short way of saying "the Marvel movies and shows."
Ariel: No it's not. "Marvels" is two syllables, and "em-see-you" is three. That's longer, not shorter.
Sasha: But it's fewer letters. An M, and a C, and a U. Three letters instead of seven.
Ariel: But it takes more work to say.
Sasha: But it takes less work to type.
Ariel: Well don't look at me! You're the one who's doing the posting this time, I'm just talking, not typing.
Sasha: Fine, I'll just say and type "Marvels" from now on.
Ariel: And what does that even mean, "MCU"? I'm guessing the "M" is for "Marvels" and "C" is because we saw them, but what's the "U"? Is it "University" because we spent so much time watching them we ought to get a degree in it?
Sasha: Why do you care? Do you even care? If you care, just look it up yourself.
Ariel: Okay, I will.
Sasha: Seriously?
Ariel: No. What was the question again?
Sasha: Oh, no, you're not getting off that easy.
Ariel: "That's what she said."
Sasha: Ugh. Seriously, I'm not going any further here until you look it up.
Ariel: Fine. M ... C ... U ... here we go, Wikipedia says, "The Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) is ..."
Sasha: Great, "Marvel Cinematic Universe." Now you know. So let's --
Ariel: Hang on, hang on, I'm still reading! The first sentence just talks about it being a series of films. It doesn't say "films and shows." Did we watch those two shows without needing to?
Sasha: We didn't need to watch any of --
Ariel: Oh my gosh.
Sasha: What?
Ariel: I shouldn't have kept reading.
Sasha: Why not?
Ariel: We only watched two shows, the ones on Disney And. This says there are ... a bunch more shows that aren't on Disney And. "Agents of SHIELD" and "Daredevil" and "Runaways" and -- oh my gosh, I'm not going to keep reading. We didn't watch all the Marvels at all. Not even close.
Sasha: Well ... we were probably going to have to break this up into parts anyway. This post is already pretty long and we haven't actually talked about any movies or shows at all yet. Let's just do a few posts about the Marvels we've watched so far, and then sometime in the future maybe we'll come back and post about those other shows after we watch them.
Ariel: No, I don't think we have any choice about it. We have to go back up and change our title to "Sasha and Ariel Experience Some of the Marvels."
Sasha: If we change it, we're going to have to change it to "Sasha and Ariel Experience Some of the Marvels But Don't Talk About Any of Them Yet." Because it's looking pretty obvious to me that we're not going to get around to talking about the movies or shows at all in this post.
Ariel: That's a terrible title for a post! No one will want to read that!
Sasha: Exactly. So let's just leave it, right? Path of least resistance and all.
Ariel: I can't argue with that.
Sasha: Really?
Ariel: I mean, I could, but I'm even tireder now than when we started.
Sasha: Gotcha. Okay, everybody, next time, we promise: "Sasha and Ariel Experience Some of the Marvels, Part One!"