Monday, April 3, 2023

Sasha and Ariel Experience ... Dungeons and Dragons!

Sasha: Okay, it was weird typing that post title.
Ariel: How come?
Sasha: Because I only just realized this really was the first time we experienced Dungeons and Dragons! We've played Dungeon Crawl Classics, which is kinda D&D-ish, and we've played Old School Essentials, which is pretty much straight up D&D --
Ariel: So straight-up you made us call you the Dungeon Master and not just the game master or the judge or the referee or whatever.
Sasha: Wait, one of those games calls it the referee?
Ariel: I guess because he's the one who gets to make all the rule decisions. Except in this case it's she's the one, because it was you.
Sasha: Dang, maybe I didn't read those rules as carefully as I should have before we played.
Ariel: That's okay, you did great!
Sasha: Thanks! Anyway, this weekend, we did not play Dungeons and Dragons.
Ariel: Nope, sure didn't. But we did something maybe almost even better, which is go see the Dungeons and Dragons movie! I won't say the subtitle because it's kind of naughty sounding.
Sasha: What? What are you talking about.
Ariel: You know ... psst, psst, psssst, psst, psst.
Sasha: No, Aers, it's "Honor Among Thieves."
Ariel: I just said that, only quieter so it wasn't embarrassing.
Sasha: Honor with an "H," Aers. Not "On Her Among Thieves." You didn't really think that was the title, did you?
Ariel: No, I just wanted you to feel better about not reading those rules carefully, so I pretended I didn't read the title carefully enough. 
Sasha: Really, I didn't feel all that bad about it.
Ariel: Great! My job here is finished!
Sasha: No it's not -- we've got to talk about the movie.
Ariel: That's what I meant. I swear.
Sasha: Sure, okay. So are you ready to tell people to put their spoiler blankets over their heads?
Ariel: People, put your spoiler blankets on over your heads! Unless you don't mind the movie getting spoiled, I mean. Everybody ready? Do you have them on?
Sasha: If they have them on, they can't read what you just typed.
Ariel: I was trying to catch the cheaters.
Sasha: Okay, moving on ... I loved this movie!
Ariel: Yes! Ten stars out of ten! We a hundred percent need to play this game, because it turns out actual D&D is way more funnier than all the kinda-D&Ds we've been playing.
Sasha: Um ...
Ariel: What? I mean, I know some pretty funny things have happened in our games, but not that many things and not nearly as super-funny a bunch of things.
Sasha: Sure, but I don't think being funny comes with the rule set. I think it depends a lot more on the people who are playing.
Ariel: Well that's crazy. If being funny isn't a rule in D&D, why did this movie pretty much do it practically every single minute?
Sasha: I'm thinking they just decided they wanted to make a funny movie.
Ariel: Okay, well wait right here and I'm going to go get one of MSG's rulebooks off the shelves and open it up and I bet one of the very first rules is going to be, "You better be really funny when you're playing this game!"
Sasha: I'll wait.
Sasha: ...
Sasha: ...
Ariel: Ugh. I'm back.
Sasha: So it wasn't in the rules?
Ariel: Worse! There are SO MANY of those books on the shelves! Why does MSG have so many of those books and we've never actually played actual D&D? I couldn't even figure out which one to start with.
Sasha: Probably the Dungeon Master's Guide, right? Because the Dungeon Master is the one who has to be in charge of all the rules.
Ariel: But there wasn't even just one Dungeon Master's Guide! There were two of them, and one of them was super-old and beat all to heck.
Sasha: So you couldn't pick between two books? Or just look in one and then look in the other? I mean, if you're so sure being funny will be one of the first rules ...
Ariel: There was also a box, though, not just the two Dungeon Master's Guides and skadoodles of other books.
Sasha: What did the box say?
Ariel: "Starter Set."
Sasha: And you didn't think that would be the right place to start?
Ariel: What if I started there and it said, "Look, you're going to have to work your way up to being as funny as you need to be to play this game." What would I do then?
Sasha: Oh, I don't know ... maybe come back here and admit you were wrong about the rules being the part that makes the game funny?
Ariel: I think not deciding was better.
Sasha: Why?
Ariel: Because now I still don't have to admit I was wrong. Which I'm not saying I was! Just that if I was, I don't have to admit it because we don't know.
Sasha: ...
Ariel: Plus, people are probably really tired of waiting for us to talk about the movie.
Sasha: When has that ever stopped you before?
Ariel: Um ... let me scroll back through the old posts so I can --
Sasha: No! Just say something about the movie already, would you?
Ariel: It was super-funny.
Sasha: I would be annoyed at the fact that you're just saying something you already said, except ... it really was that funny!
Ariel: Wow, was that a funny movie.
Sasha: I don't remember the last time I laughed that much at a movie.
Ariel: What did you think was the funniest part?
Sasha: Definitely the graveyard part.
Ariel: OMG.
Sasha: What did you think was the funniest part?
Ariel: Obviously the graveyard part, duh.
Sasha: Okay, well how about the second funniest?
Ariel: Umm ... I'm trying to remember and every time I do I just keep thinking of the graveyard part. Wait, I think ... no. Just more graveyard part.
Sasha: People are going to think it's the only funny part if we can't come up with anything else.
Ariel: Well ... the trial part at the beginning was very funny too. It was probably funny enough to be the funniest part in a pretty funny movie that just didn't have anything as funny as the graveyard part.
Sasha: Yeah, I'd say so.
Ariel: I think maybe a lot of the other funny parts just sort of wove their way through more serious parts and more actiony parts and just made almost everything funny instead of being whole scenes by themselves that were funny start-to-finish.
Sasha: That's true. It was so funny I don't immediately think about the dramatic parts and the super-whiz-bang action parts.
Ariel: The druid girl escaping that city!
Sasha: Yes!
Ariel: When they smuggled that painting onto that wagon ...
Sasha: That was funny and action-packed at the same time!
Ariel: And of course, a lot of what was funny was the way the characters were, not just the situations or the lines. Like the main two, you know ...
Sasha: The bard and the barbarian?
Ariel: Yes! Team Bardbarian. I loved how she would always say things that weren't helpful, and then he'd get all frustrated ...
Sasha: Oh, you loved that stuff, huh?
Ariel: It was great! Why are you looking at me like that?
Sasha: No reason.
Ariel: The druid and the wizard dude were not as funny, although she was very cool and he was pretty funny, just not as funny as Bardbarian.
Sasha: That paladin guy ruled though. He was super-cool and very funny.
Ariel: Maybe paladins are like that in Dungeons and Dragons.
Sasha: I guess we'll have to play it sometime and see.
Ariel: Uh-huh. OH! I thought of another funny part.
Sasha: Which one?
Ariel: That dragon!
Sasha: Oh yeah, haha! He was funny and kinda scary at the same time.
Ariel: He for sure had me worried at a couple points.
Sasha: So overall, two big thumbs up for this movie, right?
Ariel: Four thumbs up! Because we both need to use both our thumbs for how up it was.
Sasha: I'm down for that.
Ariel: Now I want to go make up D&D characters.
Sasha: Hmm. Pretty good idea, actually. But do you think you can figure out where to start?
Ariel: Yes!
Sasha: Really? Where?
Ariel: Wherever MSG is, so we can make him help us.
Sasha: I like it.
Ariel and Sasha: Bye, everybody!