Thursday, June 18, 2020

Sasha and Ariel Experience ... Freedom Rock!

Sasha: Okay, so this post will make more sense if everybody knows that we go crazy air-guitaring and air-drumming whenever we're out driving in the car and there's good music on.
Ariel: Hey, be careful calling us crazy! I mean, it's not like either of us is the one actually driving ... people will get the wrong idea if you say things like that.
Sasha: I don't think anyone is going to think we're the ones driving.
Ariel: They might! And then they'd be like, uh-oh, I don't want to get out on the road if those two crazy girls are air-guitaring behind the wheel!
Sasha: You're overthinking this.
Ariel: Well, you're the one who started off saying you wanted to make sure the post made sense to people.
Sasha: Just -- you know what? I'm just going to embed the video here and stop arguing, and if it doesn't make enough sense at least people will get to hear this great song.
Ariel: Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! You're going to play the song and not even tell them which one of us is the air-guitarer and which one is the air-drummer?
Sasha: They're going to know as soon as they hear the song.
Ariel: What? Why do you think that?
Sasha: Because the drums on this song are CRAZY.
Ariel: The guitaring is good too.
Sasha: Yeah, but the drums. Are. Crazy. So everyone who listens is going to go, "Oh, no wonder Sasha said they go crazy air-instrumenting to this song. She must be the one air-drumming, considering the drums are so crazy and Ariel didn't think it made sense to use the word crazy."
Ariel: Oh. I guess that's probably true.
Sasha: Duh. So here. One ... two ... three ... EMBED!!!

Ariel: Okay, now that we're not in the car and I was all self-conscious about not going too crazy air-guitaring ... yeah, you totally crazied the heck out of that drumming.
Sasha: (huff, puff) ... hang on ... let me ... (whoof) ... get my breath ... back ...
Ariel: You need a comb or something too. Your hair is like, all over the place.
Sasha: Worth it!
Ariel: So should we explain to people that we've been listening to crazy amounts of albums by this Frank Black guy for weeks whenever we're out in the car?
Sasha: You go ahead. I need to hydrate. And maybe take a nap!
Ariel: Wait! Where are you ... foo. Well, sorry folks, I don't want to try to cover this one all by myself! Maybe we'll come back later with a Sasha and Ariel Experience ... Frank Black and the Various Bands Frank Black Has Had! post. Nighties!


  1. Listening to this song makes me think that I've heard too little of the Pixies (about three songs), and nothing of Black Francis' solo career. But you girls are right, the drumming for this song is kinda unhinged! Yeah, don't drive and air-guitar or air-drum, though; that's what your home is for. *nods*

  2. He is some kind of nutso songwriting machine! Like, the album this is from has 22 songs on it and it's not even a double album! (Also, I'm biased that he seems to know how to pick really good drummers.)
