Friday, January 15, 2021

Sasha and Ariel Experience ... Thin Lizzy!

Sasha: Okay, well, I think this one's just going to be a short one, what do you think?

Ariel: Maybe? Probably. I mean, we only listened to the album once, and I didn't take notes.

Sasha: When do you ever take notes?

Ariel: I don't. But I would have to if I wanted us to do a long post about one album we listened to once!

Sasha: Gotcha. Short and sweet it is then. Like me!

Ariel: And me ... I'm just not quite as short as you.

Sasha: You are pretty short, though -- wait. Stop. I see where this is going to turn into one of our never-getting-to-the-point posts that's way longer than it should be, and we already agreed this one's going to be short.

Ariel: It could still be short even then, because if we talk too long I'll forget everything I was going to say about ... what are we talking about again?

Sasha: Thin Lizzy.

Ariel: Right. And then the post would be short, it would just not be about Thin Lizzy.

Sasha: Which means we'd have to go back and change the title.

Ariel: Too much work! We'd better get going talking about this album.

Sasha: Should we start by telling people how Thin Lizzy even came up around our place?

Ariel: Not if we're trying to keep it short!

Sasha: Well, I wasn't saying we should try to keep it short, I was just predicting that it would be short.

Ariel: But if you're wrong about that, people will be like, "The very first thing she said in this post was wrong! Why should I believe anything these two say about Thin Lizzy if they start off being so wrong about their own blog post?"

Sasha: Yeah, but why should they believe anything we say about Thin Lizzy when we've only listened to one Thin Lizzy album once?

Ariel: That's a good point. I'd say we should give up, but then we'd still have to change the title.

Sasha: I'm just going to say, here's the kind of house we have. Somehow, something made our boyfriend think about Mars.

Ariel: It may have been a news story about some new Mars satellite.

Sasha: And that made him think about this old album he has.

Ariel: Don't jump to conclusions, though! It wasn't the Thin Lizzy album we listened to!

Sasha: No, it was a musical version of "War of the Worlds" that sounded really cool when he told us about it.

Ariel: Only he didn't play it for us.

Sasha: Nope, because before he could decide to do that, he remembered that one of the songs on it is sung by this guy named Phil Lynott, who was the lead singer of Thin Lizzy.

Ariel: Well, it was also because the War of the Worlds album he only has on vinyl and our record player is hard to get to. It's up on a shelf and it's very heavy and hard to get down.

Sasha: Except I don't think that excuse really works, because the Thin Lizzy album he also only had on vinyl. He had to go buy it from the Impy-Three store for us to listen to.

Ariel: The excuse does kind of work though, because the War of the Worlds album is a double album, so in addition to having to lift the record player down, he'd have had to lift twice as heavy an amount of vinyl getting that one down compared to getting the Thin Lizzy album down.

Sasha: Only someone as lazy as you would think that would make any difference. And anyway, the impy-three version would not be any heavier, so once he decided to get it online, he could've gotten either one just as easy.

Ariel: Okay, so now I'm thinking we got cheated by not getting to hear the War of the Worlds album.

Sasha: Sort of like our readers are probably feeling cheated right now over us not getting to the whole point of this post, which is supposed to be about Thin Lizzy?

Ariel: It might be very similar to that.

Sasha: Anyhow ... to make a long story short --

Ariel: I think we already blew that part.

Sasha: -- we listened to "Jailbreak" by Thin Lizzy in the car yesterday and this morning.

Ariel: And it was good! The End!

Sasha: ...

Ariel: Why are you looking at me like that?

Sasha: We don't want to make the long story that short. We have to at least say something about the album.

Ariel: Fine. Um ... it started off with a song that's the same title as the album, "Jailbreak." This was a song about a jailbreak. The End.

Sasha: No, no, I actually want to talk about the album. Can we just ... let's just forget about the whole "short" thing.

Ariel: Really? Because I kind of feel like we've been at this a while already, and I maybe need a nap.

Sasha: Stop it. Drink some coffee.

Ariel: Yuck. I hate coffee.

Sasha: I'm officially ignoring you now before this turns into a whole post about coffee and how you hate it. Instead, I'm just going to say, that "Jailbreak" song got the album off to a nice, rockin' start. 

Ariel: I like the siren part.

Sasha: Still, I was like, okay, this is really good, but what makes it so good we had to rush over to the Impy-Three store for it instead of the War of the Worlds album?

Ariel: Well, the next songs were also very good, although less rockin'.

Sasha: Really good lyrics, though, and great drumming!

Ariel: You were air-drumming a lot I noticed.

Sasha: Then we got to this song, "Warriors," and I was like, "Okay, I'm starting to get it."

Ariel: That was a cool-ass song, and I thought I was starting to get it too, until the next song started and I was all, "Oh, shit! This one is the bomb!"

Sasha: It was the bomb even though Elle tried to pooh-pooh it.

Ariel: What did she say, something like, "Oh god, this song is such a walking cliche." But I noticed she was tapping her foot pretty quick into it.

Sasha: Apparently, it's like, the Thin Lizzy song and it used to get played way too much and put in commercials and all kinds of stuff to the point where people couldn't take it seriously anymore.

Ariel: But holy moley, hearing it for the very first time! It was like, all the good stuff from all the previous songs showed how everybody in this band was really excellent, and then on this song they all just ... hit it. Pow! Guitar chord! Pow! Awesome bass line!

Sasha: Pow! Grooving beat and hi-hat hits on the drum kit! Pow! Song lyrics!

Ariel: What was that word Hettie used?

Sasha: "Infectious."

Ariel: Only that sounds bad, like a disease. Which these lyrics totally weren't. Phil Lynott just comes in smashing it with the vocals, like in the first two lines he's telling you about these guys coming back into town -- I think they were the guys who jailbroke in the first song -- and you can tell from his voice, he just loves these guys.

Sasha: His voice and the words ... all through the whole song, he just totally makes you think these guys are the greatest.

Ariel: I was convinced.

Sasha: Which is weird, because the more the song goes on, the more obvious it is they're kind of assholes.

Ariel: Yeah, but why would they have been in jail if they weren't assholes? And I think them being assholes makes it even more amazing how good a job he does making you think they're so great.

Sasha: I also think that's why Elle was tapping her foot so much. The song lets you feel like you know what it would be like to just have fun and enjoy being bad. Not like, super-bad, but just like, I'm going to break the rules and it will be cool.

Ariel: Ooh, you're right. Make-believe badness is totally Elle's deal.

Sasha: She probably had to pretend to not like the song because if she liked it she'd kind of be admitting her edgy act is just for show.

Ariel: She's so entertaining with it, though ... just like the song!

Sasha: It was definitely an amazing song.

Ariel: Followed by another good one, and then that cowboy song. What was it called again?

Sasha: "The Cowboy Song."

Ariel: That's the one! It was almost another home run song, but then the dude at the fence jumped up and caught the home-run ball just before it went over the top.

Sasha: What do you mean?

Ariel: I mean that line where he says, "Lord all these Southern girls, they seem the same!" What?!? Grr! We're all Southern girls around here and none of us is the same at all!

Sasha: Hettie's not Southern, I don't think.

Ariel: Where is Hettie from?

Sasha: We'll have to ask her.

Ariel: Anyway, it was a pretty great song except for that line.

Sasha: However, not as great as the last song on the album, "Emerald."

Ariel: Ho. Lee. Cow.

Sasha: CRRRAAAZZZY drums!

Ariel: Guitars all over the place, incredible bass, and whoo, that Phil Lynott guy. By the end of the song I totally understood why a Mars satellite that made our boyfriend think of War of the Worlds and then Phil Lynott would lead to him rushing to the Impy-Three store to get this album and let us hear it.

Sasha: Phil Lynott was obviously The Guy.

Ariel: Five stars out of four.

Sasha: Agreed.

Ariel: So what else should we say about "Jailbreak?"

Sasha: I think we're done.

Ariel: Are you sure?

Sasha: Yeah, really.

Ariel: I just don't want to cut this too short.

Sasha: ...

Ariel: ?

Sasha:You. Sheesh.

Ariel and Sasha: Okay, bye, everybody!

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