Friday, June 14, 2024

Sasha and Ariel Experience ... Hanabie!

Sasha: Okay, so, we're not going to tell people to put on their spoiler blankets at all in this post.
Ariel: We're not? How come?
Sasha: Because we're totally just going to embed this video right here and people had better go and watch it if they haven't already seen it. Because, What?!?

Ariel: I think you embedded it too early, though.
Sasha: Why's that?
Ariel: Because I know when I watched this video the first time, I was SO not ready for it.
Sasha: You mean you think we should have said something to get people ready for it before putting the link in?
Ariel: Well ... no, not really, because no matter what we did, they still wouldn't be ready for this video. But maybe we could have told them they should get ready to not be ready for it.
Sasha: Hmm. That does make a kind of sort of sense. And it's not too late for us to un-embed it and say some more stuff about it before we turn it loose on them. It's not like we published the post yet or anything.
Ariel: No, but then if we did that, we'd also probably want to erase or change the stuff we've said so far, and then I'd feel like all the brainpower that went into thinking and saying it would have been wasted.
Sasha: But we've literally said nine sentences since I embedded it.
Ariel: Ten now, because you just said another one. And so did I! Eleven! That's so many!
Sasha: I mean, it's really not.
Ariel: Thirteen! Or wait, maybe fourteen or fifteen ... do "Eleven!" and "Thirteen!" count as sentences?
Sasha: They definitely don't if you're being a grammar stickler. Which we're not, but since you asked that's the most accurate answer.
Ariel: Even if you don't count those ones though, we've still said another like, three sentences since I said "Thirteen!" so now we're definitely at sixteen, I think.
Sasha: I was so not ready for this blog post.
Ariel: What do you mean?
Sasha: Never mind. Let's just keep going and not worry about un-embedding the video and changing what we've done so far.
Ariel: I'm still going to worry about it at least a little, I think, even if we don't do it. Twenty-one.
Sasha: Can we talk about the video now?
Ariel: OMG it was so crazy.
Sasha: I know, right?
Ariel: I'm having a hard time picking out what the craziest thing was so I can talk about it, though.
Sasha: Well maybe what was the least crazy thing about it, then? Would that be easier to figure out?
Ariel: Maybe? I don't know? Hang on, now I've got to go and watch it again.
Sasha: ...
Sasha: 😴
Sasha: ...
Ariel: Okay, I'm back.
Sasha: Well?
Ariel: Well what?
Sasha: Did you figure out what the least crazy part was?
Ariel: omg. It was so crazy about ten seconds after I started watching I already forgot why I was watching.
Sasha: All right, I'm just going to go with what I thought was the craziest thing about it.
Ariel: Wait! You already decided something? No fair! Why did you make me wrack my brain so much then?
Sasha: I thought of it while you were off watching the video.
Ariel: Oh.
Sasha: So the thing is --
Ariel: You're not lying, are you? Like, you knew all along what to say about the craziest thing in the video, but you made me try to figure it out anyway, and then when you thought I'd get mad about that, you decided to fake it and say you just thought of it while I was watching the video again.
Sasha: Uh, if I was lying about that, wouldn't I just lie again now and say I wasn't lying?
Ariel: No, because I know you'd feel bad about lying too much to me, and probably you'd figure that if you lied that second time I might ask, "Wait, now are you lying?" And then you'd have to either lie a third time or admit you were lying the first two times, and pretty soon while you were thinking about that you'd get all upset about lying to me so much and then you'd break down and admit you lied.
Sasha: Cheezy potatoes, Aers. That almost makes me want to lie and say I was lying just to get out from under how bad it makes me feel that you think I might lie to you that much.
Ariel: Oh dang. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to make you feel bad.
Sasha: It's okay. I actually totally would have lied like that, it just turns out that in this case, I didn't.
Ariel: Well ... I guess I feel better then.
Sasha: Can I say what the craziest thing was, then?
Ariel: Sure! I'm actually super-curious to hear this.
Sasha: The craziest thing was that every single bit of it was awesome and rocked super hard and fit together and worked. Like, these girls are the absolute cutest little cutesies in the whole world, and they're screaming "HELL YEAH!" in death metal growls and then singing "Hell! Hell! Hell!" in squeaky cartoon voices and it's the most bitchin' thing I've ever seen or heard.
Ariel: Okay, wow. You're so right about that.
Sasha: And you try to get your brain around all of it and figure out what the heck is going on, but as soon as you start thinking about one thing that just happened, something else is happening on the screen that makes you forget what you were trying to think about. And it's AWESOME. I try to listen to the drums cause I love drums and I want to air-drum along with it, and all of a sudden half the song has gone by and I realize I haven't been listening to the drums at all.
Ariel: And then you get near the end of the song and she's screaming, "WATCH!" at you and you're like, "Yes, a thousillionth percent I'm watching! Why do you think I wouldn't be watching???"
Sasha: And you're also thinking, "Please keep screaming at me to watch!"
Ariel: I could pretty much keep watching that girl screaming at me all day. She looks SO ADORABLE in her big poofy pink-and-blue sweater and cat-ears headband!
Sasha: It's kind of like their mission is to show everyone how adorable they are while being complete badasses.
Ariel: Right, like in the part where it shows them all like they're getting some kind of anime or video game character introductions with their names onscreen and they're looking at you like, "Hey, I'm so cute and also I can totally melt your brain."
Sasha: Now I want to go watch that part again.
Ariel: I want to watch the whole thing again!
Sasha: What are we waiting for, then?
Sasha and Ariel: Adiós!

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