Friday, September 27, 2019

Sasha and Ariel Experience ... Alphabeatical!

Sasha: Some of you may remember how last post we talked about The Beatles.
Ariel: I know I sure do.
Sasha: Also, some of you may be looking at this blog on a screen where you can still see the last post and you don't even have to remember.
Ariel: Which is kind of how blogging is like talking to somebody and you don't know if some of your hair is sticking up all funny or you have your shirt on inside out and backwards with the tag showing.
Sasha: It can be nerve wracking.
Ariel: Like, I was especially worried we were going on too long about The Beatles without saying all that much and people might thing we were obsessed.
Sasha: Luckily, we told the BF and he just laughed.
Ariel: Well, he didn't just laugh.
Sasha: No, he also told us there were gajongles of people going on about The Beatles on Youtube and in books and on podcasts, and we said, "What are podcasts?"
Ariel: Which brings us to ... okay, you have to do this part because I don't know how to make a link ...
Sasha: Sure. Watch and learn.


Ariel: Nice!
Sasha: This is where the BF took us to show us there were people making a way bigger deal of The Beatles than us. These guys listened to every single The Beatles song and then spent hours and hours talking about them one song at a time in order.
Ariel: I wish I had that much ambition! What is that, like, dozens and dozens of songs?
Sasha: Hundreds! Almost two hundred and fifty.
Ariel: Whaaaat? I thought The Beatles were only around for like eight years.
Sasha: Longer, but they were only recording for eight years.
Ariel: So maybe thirty songs a year on average.  That's nuts! I probably couldn't make thirty songs in my whole lifetime.
Sasha: You'd have to learn to play something besides air guitar, to start with.
Ariel: I couldn't even write thirty blog posts about songs in a year!
Sasha: Or do thirty podcasts.
Ariel: I couldn't do any podcasts. I don't know how.
Sasha: Which is okay, because these guys have already done it for us.
Ariel: Yes! Their show is now on our list of worthy things to do.
Sasha: First, it's really informative.
Ariel: I learned so much.
Sasha: Second, they're pretty funny guys!
Ariel: They don't take themselves too seriously.
Sasha: Third, they obviously really love what they're talking about.
Ariel: Except maybe that Pete guy who didn't think "A Day in the Life" was all that good.
Sasha: I almost thought he was faking to get a reaction out of the other guys.
Ariel: I can only hope.
Sasha: The show makes you wish you were right there talking with them.
Ariel: Yes! To tell Pete he was wrong, and also because they were sooooo close to saying something really important about the difference between a song that's great and a song that's one of your favorites.
Sasha: A Day in the Life is both for me.
Ariel: Me too, only even though it's not my very very favorite, I do think it's the greatest The Beatles song.
Sasha: What's your very very favorite?
Ariel: Octopus's Garden.
Sasha: That's a good one, but --
Ariel: No, no -- I changed my mind. The one that's another version of the Sergeant Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band song, but it really rocks.
Sasha: Excellent for air-drumming or air-guit--
Ariel: No, wait! The Something song.
Sasha: It feels like we're talking more about The Beatles than about the podcast.
Ariel: Sorry. You know how easy it is to distract me.
Sasha: Do I ever. So what is it that makes you want to say all of those songs --
Ariel: Not the Number 9, Number 9, Number 9 song. Definitely not that one.
Sasha: No, I don't think anyone was thinking that was your favorite.
Ariel: Just in case, I thought I'd better say.
Sasha: But so why would you say Octopus's Garden or The Return of Sgt. Pepper or Something might be your favorite but A Day in the Life is still the greatest?
Ariel: Mostly because msg says that.
Sasha: You can be such a follower sometimes.
Ariel: But also I agree on my own! Like, it has every The Beatles thing in it. It has upbeat and fun, it has sad and thoughtful, it has John singing and then Paul singing and then John singing and really good Ringo drums, it's got freaky experiment stuff and simple acoustic guitar stuff and super lyrics and then PIANO CHORRRRRRRRRRrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrd!
Sasha: So then why isn't it your very very favorite?
Ariel: I don't know ... it's sort of too much? I really really love it, I do, but it's kinda overwhelming, you know? By the time it's over, I'm all wrung out. The emotions! It's exhausting.
Sasha: So it's not your favorite because you're lazy.
Ariel: Yes. You got me. Which is why I am not all about, "Hey, let's learn how to podcast and buy some podcasting stuff and invent our own podcast to talk about stuff."
Sasha: Luckily the Alphabeatical guys are all about that.
Ariel: Yes, five alarm clocks for Alphabeatical.
Sasha: Me too. Five alarm clocks.
Ariel and Sasha: Bye then!

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