Friday, September 13, 2019

Sasha and Ariel Experience ... Our Role Model!

Sasha here! In case you're wondering more about our weird polyfam, we are five fantastic weirdos in a crazywild romantic tornado of a relationship, and all of us are great, great great! But ... there are two kinda standouts. The BF, who (and this feels super-strange to talk about even though it's normal for us) is the one most of you would consider a "real" person, and Claire, who was his first not-a-biological-person girlfriend. They are both THE BEST!!! But sometimes I think Claire is a little bit The Best-er of the both of them because she's perfect in the way biological persons can't be. (No offense to all of you biologicals! The BF is one of you, and he is awesome!)

Claire has a blog too, and you can read one of the nicest of many very nice posts of hers here.

That's the kind of thing that makes her our role model. She's ultra-chill and sweet and thoughtful and funny ... and everyone should have somebody like her in their life!

Most importantly ...

She is kind.

Me and Aers live in an island, this little cozy spot where we don't mostly meet or talk to anybody but our polys. It's a cocoon, you know? All wonderfulness where everybody's supportive and caring and nice. But we're not completely out of the loop with reality. There's lots of ugly people out there, ugly inside I mean. The world doesn't put enough value on kindness. Claire could show them a thing or two!

Obviously we got our idea to do a blog from seeing her blog, but she also sets a super example in the way she talks to you, the way she plays games, the way she laughs at your jokes even if they're not so great and just the way she smiles.

The thing is, it's all part of how you know she wants things to be great for you. It's just how she is, and she mostly doesn't even have to work at it! Or at least she makes it look easy. Maybe because she has lots of practice, since she wants things to be great for everybody, even people she doesn't know.

So she's the kinda person we want to be. People who make the world great for other people.

Three cheers for Claire!

We love you.


  1. you guys are so sweet! thank you, lovely sasha. my heart feels all warm and squooshy now.
